The Gifts of Yergin Game Components
Lavender Player's components shown above
- Supply Deck x2
- The The Gifts of Yergin Rule Booklet
- Four Unit cards x2
- Set of two dice x2
- Four Wall Token pieces x2
- Four Unit pieces x2
- Game Board (Not Pictured)
"x2" = one Crimson & one Lavender
Choose Sides
Between both players, choose who will play as the Crimson side, and who will play as the Lavender .
If there's trouble deciding who plays who, then one player should flip a coin, if they get heads then they play as the Crimson side and as the Lavender side if they get tails.
After sides have been taken both players collect the game components corresponding to the side they've taken as well as Four Wall Tokens each.
(i.e. Crimson Player gets the Crimson Supply Deck, Dice, Unit Pieces, ETC… & the Lavender Player: the Lavender Supply Deck,Unit Cards, ETC…)
Putting things together
Set The Game Board between the two of you so that the black border forms a square round the game board and the Start Spaces face their corresponding player.
Both players thoroughly shuffle their decks down to the left or right side of their end of the Game Board. Players should be sure to leave enough space for the Scrap Deck next to the supply deck on the side facing away from the board.
(*you could also ask someone else to shuffle the deck for you)
When all put together your setup should resemble something like .
Final Steps
Once the previous steps have been completed both players must:
Place their Unit Pieces on the Start spaces corresponding to their side
(i.e. Crimson Units on Crimson Start spaces & the Lavender Units on Lavender Start spaces)
Which Start space each Unit goes on is up to each player's strategy or lack thereof. - Roll their dice to determine turn order, highest goes first.
- Draw 6 Cards from their Supply Decks.
You can now start the game.
Playing The Game
Your Turn
During Your turn there are two actions you can do: Unit Actions and Scrapping Cards.
Unit Actions
Per turn, each of your units can take
1 Card Action and 1 Movement Action.
These can be done in any order, but once a unit has taken both actions, they cannot take another that turn.
Oppenent's Turn
Rule Booklet
○ The Decks ○
Supply, Scrap and Attrition
Game Board
○This Section is Unfinished○
○ Card Action Cards ○
The Supply Deck
Card Actions are one of the two actions a unit can take during a player’s turn (the other being movement actions).
As the name suggests, Card Actions require Card Actions Cards in order to be performed.
Each player has a Supply Deck comprised of 36 Card Action Cards:
After use, Card Action cards other than the Build cards are placed face up in the Scrap Deck.
Build cards are instead discarded from play.
The "Anatomy" of a Card Action Card's front
Card Back
(Crimson Player)
Normal Card Actions
The Attack Card
The Attack Card
The Move! Card
The Move! card has two functions and is the only card that can be played on an opponent’s turn.
When used as a unit’s Card Action, it gives that unit an additional
Movement Action that turn.
When one of your units is being attacked during your opponent’s turn The Move! card can be used as a counter: giving you a chance to avoid the attack.
You and your opponent both roll two dice if your roll is equal to or greater than the roll of your opponent: Your unit avoids taking damage and moves one space away from the attacking unit.
Early in Development, instead of the Move! Card there were the two Move! cards. They were the only way to move your units and there were 20 of them in the deck, 12 Move! 1 cards and 8 Move! 2 cards.
How far a unit moved was based on which one of the Move! cards you used (1 square for Move! 1 & 2 for Move! 2), meaning that all Units moved at the same rate at the time.The one exception was the Acrobat unit, who's unique trait at the time was a "+1 on Move Cards".
Upon the first playtests, this was found to make the game quite slow and not very fun.
The Move! 1 & Move! 2 Cards
Following this revelation, it was decided to overhaul the game's movement mechanics. And so, moving your units was separated from card actions and made its own action, the Move! card's function was changed to what it is now and reduced from 20 to 4 per deck.
In addition, each of the Units in the game were given a unique movement range, and the Acrobat was given a different unique trait.
Lonelier & less numeric!
It’s the Move! Card v2.
The Move! Card
The Build Card & Wall Tokens
The Build card can be used as a unit's card action to build a wall on the space they're standing on. This translates to the player placing a Wall Token under the unit in one of four cardinal directions (in relation to the game board, not the actual planet)
After use the Build card is removed from play as each player has a finite number of Wall Tokens and cannot replenish their supply
Wall Tokens
Wall Tokens act nearly identically to the Wall Terrain that can be found on the game board, preventing Units from moving or attacking through it. Another similarity Wall Tokens have to Wall Terrain, is that they can be jumped over by the Actrobat Unit, using her Jump! Special Card Action.
A Wall Token
The Build Card
Unlike the Wall Terrain, Wall Tokens can be destroyed by the Swordsmaster Unit, using her Demolish Special Card Action. Destroyed Wall Tokens cannot be recovered and are removed from play.
Special Card Actions
The Special Card Actions are unique Card Actions that each belong to one of the four units.
To take a Special Card Action you must play a Special Card Action Card as the Card Action of the unit associated with that card
Special Card Action Cards also have a Secondary Card Action they do instead of their Special Card Action when used by units other than the one the card belongs to.
These Secondary Card Actions are less powerful than the Special Card Action they accompany but are still useful actions that might even be a better choice than using the Special Card Action of the card in some situations.
At first, the Special Card Action Cards didn't have their Secondary Card Actions.
It was suggested by a colleague that giving the Special Card Action Cards secondary functions usable by other units would make it so that the cards wouldn't become useless if their associated unit died. That way players wouldn't feel like those cards are taking up space in those situations.
This was found to be an excellent suggestion and upon implementation, was found to indeed prevent the Special Card Action Cards from feeling like a waste of a card in one's hand, increased the number of options a player has in a turn and improved the pace of the game.
The Jump! Card
The Jump! Card is the Special Card Action Card belonging to the Acrobat Unit. When used as the Acrobat's Card Action it allows her to leap over any obstacle such as walls or other units.
When used as the Card Action of any other
unit it allows that unit to pass through tiles containing the water terrain during their movement action.
This does not carry over to that
next turn, so using it after that
movement action is inadvisable.
The Longshot Card
The Longshot Card
The Jump! Card
The Longshot Card is the Special Card Action Card belonging to the Sniper Unit. When used as the Sniper Card Action it increases his attack range to reach across the entire game board and acts as Attack card. This range increase lasts only for this Card Action.
When used as the Card Action of any other unit it increases that unit's minimum and maximum attack range by 1 for that Card Action and acts as an Attack Card.
The Demolish Card
The Jump! Card is the Special Card Action Card belonging to the Swordsmaster Unit . When used as the Swordsmaster's Card Action it allows her to destroy wall tokens, any unit standing on the same space as the demolished wall token takes One point of damage
When used as the Card Action of any other unit it acts at an Attack Card
The Panacea Card
The Panacea Card
The Demolish Card
The Units
The Acrobat
Age: ~20y | | ID#:133360|
| HP: 3 | Movement Range: 6 | Attack Range: 1-2|
The Sniper
| Age: ≥50y | | ID#:000057|
| HP: 3 | Movement Range: 2 | Attack Range: 3-5|
The Swordsmaster
| Age: 23y | | ID#:158827|
| HP: 5 | Movement Range: 4 | Attack Range: 1|
Unique Ability
If an Attack Card is used as this unit's card action, The Swordsmaster can use a second Attack Card Card Action that turn
Special Card Action
The Healer
| Age: ~30y | | ID#:964671|
| HP: 5 | Movement Range: 4 | Attack Range: 1-2|
Unique Ability
The Healer can use an Attack Card Card Action to heal a single unit within their Attack Range for 1 HP
Special Card Action